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PDF Download Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby

PDF Download Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby

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Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby

Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby

Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby

PDF Download Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby

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Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby


Lancet: "William Colby...has written a timely, comprehensive book exploring the legal, medical and ethical questions surrounding this complex issue...In a surprisingly personal narrative voice."

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“[Colby] conveys a sensitivity and compassion about a subject that many find extremely difficult to discuss….a fascinating and well-written book.” -Health Progress, November 2007

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"Unplugged is an insightful and unsentimental examination of the Terri Schiavo case. Bill Colby, who represented Nancy Cruzan’s family, explains why it is so hard for our physicians and families to stop using medical technology (especially feeding tubes) when we are near the end of our lives, and tells us what we can do to improve our lives and the lives of our family members." -- George J. Annas, Chair of the Department of Health Law, Bioethics & Human Rights at Boston University School of Public Health, and author of The Rights of Patients

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: AMACOM; 1 edition (December 12, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0814401600

ISBN-13: 978-0814401606

Product Dimensions:

6 x 1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

12 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,739,763 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I was impressed by the author's account of the Cruzan case -- he was the family lawyer who "lost" in front of the Supreme Court but not quite -- and was led to purchase this broader study of the "right to die." As he notes in the conclusion, this 200 or so page work does not cover everything, but it does a very good job, in down to earth prose, to cover most of the bases. And, do so in a balanced fashion that states his views while not trying to provide all the answers. He starts with an extended look at the tragic Schiavo case.

William Colby has provided a volume of information needed by people dying and by those caring for them. There are many choices for both and this book provides them. Read in your leisure or when you need to make difficult decisions. It will help you.

It was a good book for its need, and though it is a bit dry, it isnt nearly as bad as I had expected.

Between author William H. Colby's role as the attorney for the family of Nancy Cruzan - who fought for the removal of her feeding tube, when she was in a Persistent Vegetative State 15 years before the Schiavo case dominated national discourse - and "Unplugged"'s subtitle, "Reclaiming our Right to Die in America", you might expect unsubtle advocacy. Colby doesn't give it, however; and although he talks about being impartial at excessive length, he does stick to the facts when the 3 individual cases (Karen Ann Quinlan, Nancy Cruzan, and Terri Schiavo) on the right-to-die issue he discusses are brought up.The most valuable part of the book was the grounding Colby gives in the evolution of Medical Technology and the role this has played in the debate and how it's arisen; it's striking how new these issues are and how much they are dependent on technology. PVS patients weren't sustainable at all in the past - the term wasn't even coined until 1972 - and the different between the extensive surgery for a feeding tube for Quinlan and Cruzan, and the simple procedure for Schiavo, is vast; it may get even simpler tomorrow. Given that debates have turned on how extreme the measures taken are - and how hopeless a situation is - the moral debates are going to continually change as technology develops, a situation Colby illustrates well.He also shows the potential pitfalls in living wills and the legal mess that still surrounds this issue; his solution is a power of attorney form and discussion with your loved ones. Giving them the power to make decisions and extensive knowledge of what you wanted is a good; a united family with clear knowledge of your desires is unlikely to have trouble carrying them out. Even if the point in the book is repeated ad nauseum.The book is repetitive, though this is not always his fault - he provides a necessary accounting of the Schiavo case, which can't avoid covering the endless repetitive and futile appeals. All in all, "Unplugged" covers a lot of useful ground that was missed in the shouting atmosphere surrounding the Schiavo case; brief tie-ins of related issues (such as assisted suicide) add to the use of the book not as taking another side in the debate but giving information you can use decided where you stand and what you should do about it.

William H. ColbyUnplugged:Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America(New York: American Management Association: [...], 2006) 272 pages(ISBN: 978-0-8144-0882-7; hardcover)(Library of Congress call number: RC726.C637 2006) William Colby is the attorney who represented the Cruzan familyin the famous case of Nancy Cruzan, who was finally allowed to die in 1990.This book also deals with other right-to-die cases.Terri Schiavo is given three chapters at the beginning of the book.Medical technology is now able to keep bodies 'alive'for many years after the death of the person.And the law has been slow to respond to these new medical situations. Some of the other issues explored:definitions of death, Advance Directives, Do Not Resuscitate orders,deciding medical care for patients who have lost the capacity to decide for themselves,the power of doctors to follow their own standard medical procedures,artificial nutrition and hydration,opposition to the right-to-die, including the worries of disabled people,physician assistance in dying, & hospice care. Colby has written a lucid and informative bookexploring many issues surrounding the right-to-die.He often explores deep into the historical background of current controversies.If you would like to read similar books, search the Internet for:"Books on the Right-to-Die".James Leonard Park, advocate of the right-to-die with careful safeguards.

Of all the books written about the right-to-die in our country this is by far one of the best. Written by the lawyer for Nancy Cruzan, it is a thoughtful, unbiased, and informative book that addresses all the issues surrounding the right-to-die. It looks at both sides of the issues and doesn't take sides (unlike the recent books written by the Schindler and Shiavo families and others surrounding the Terri Schiavo case). It enables the reader to come to their own conclusions on the issue without being preachy. A must read for everyone.......if I could give 6 stars I would!

If you have read William Colby's book Nancy Cruzan, The Long Goodbye, you will find his latest book equally informative. Mr. Colby provides an excellent medical history that has brought us to our current debate about killing vs. allowing individuals to die. He shares recent cases and offers insight to both sides of the issue. This book should be read by anyone who has been faced with making end-of-life care decisions and by all who want to ensure that their end-of-life care is clearly understood.

"Unplugged" is superbly written and thoroughly researched. Colby provides an unbiased perspective on complex legal, medical, and ethical issues in terms easily understood by both the lay person and professional. This book is invaluable for anyone who cares about how they or their loved ones experience life - and death.

Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby PDF
Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby EPub
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Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby Kindle

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Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby PDF

Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby PDF
Unplugged: Reclaiming Our Right to Die in America, by William H. Colby PDF

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Gospel Hymns for Alto Sax: Instrumental Play-Along

About the Author

Founded in 1947, Hal Leonard Corporation has become the worlds largest print music publisher, representing some of the greatest songwriters and artists of all time. We are proud to publish titles of interest to all musicians as well as music lovers, from songbooks and instructional titles to artist biographies and instrument price guides to books about the music industry and all the performing arts.

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Product details

Series: Instrumental Play-along

Paperback: 16 pages

Publisher: Hal Leonard; Pap/Psc edition (March 1, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1495073815

ISBN-13: 978-1495073816

Product Dimensions:

9 x 0.1 x 12 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#598,135 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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Gospel Hymns for Alto Sax: Instrumental Play-Along PDF

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Gospel Hymns for Alto Sax: Instrumental Play-Along PDF

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The Foolish Tortoise (The World of Eric Carle), by Richard Buckley

About the Author

Richard Buckley is a much-traveled English writer of both prose and poetry. He has lived in New York, Paris, and London, but his present home is in Cheltenham, England, where he has lived for the past thirty years, bringing up two sons with his wife (and muse) Elfie. His books for children include The Dutiful Penguin, The Foolish Tortoise (with Eric Carle), The Greedy Python (with Eric Carle), and The Bird Who Couldn’t Fly (with Alex Williams).Eric Carle is an internationally bestselling and award-winning author and illustrator of more than seventy books for very young children, including The Tiny Seed, Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me, and his most well-known title, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Born in Syracuse, New York, Eric Carle moved to Germany with his parents when he was six years old. He studied at the prestigious art school, the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, in Stuttgart, before returning to the United States, where he worked as a graphic designer for the New York Times and later as art director for an advertising agency. The Very Hungry Caterpillar, now considered a modern classic, has sold nearly fifty million copies and has been translated into sixty-five languages. With his late wife, Barbara, Eric Carle cofounded The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, Massachusetts in 2002. Eric Carle lives in the Florida Keys.

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Product details

Age Range: 5 - 7 years

Grade Level: Kindergarten - 2

Lexile Measure: 540L (What's this?)

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openEventInclude: "CLICK_TRIGGER"




Series: The World of Eric Carle

Flexibound: 24 pages

Publisher: Simon Spotlight; Reprint edition ( 19, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9781481435772

ISBN-13: 978-1481435772

ASIN: 1481435779

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.2 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

35 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#200,808 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This review is for the inexpensive 'ready to read' flexibound version which is a perfectly good binding and book. This is an Eric Carl book with a difference in that it has rhyming lines/text (I don't think any other Eric Carl book has that). The story is sweet because of the rhyming words and it could also teach kids about the protective shell of a tortoise, leading to a potential discussion into what other creatures have naturally protective physical features. This will make a great reading book for 5-6 yrs of age (kindergarten). I personally don't think there is any thing great about the illustrations of this book (many other Eric Carle books have better illustrations than this one), but the other good aspects of the book more than make up for it. I have been reading this to my son from the age of 2 and he still likes it at almost 4. He should be able to read the book by himself in a yr or two.The recommended age range is 2-6 yrs.

The "flexibound" is an extremely cheap binding! I like the story but now I have to order it in a different binding. When I looked up the definition of "flexibound," it described a book with a higher quality than a paperback. However, the copy I received is the worst book binding I've ever owned! Practically it's just papers stapled together. Awful!!!

Great children's bookThe illustrations are full of the Eric Carle bright uniqueness that we've come to expect in his books(this was only illustrated by EC). This helps hold my children's attention until the end.

I loved reading the Eric Carle books to my kids and still have most of them. Now buying the hardcover cardboard books for my new grandson. Received on time and exactly as described.

Fun book for little kids.

nice book

Love Eric carle books! Especially love this one because it's an easy read for learning to read. My 2 yr old love it

Great addition to my classroom!

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The Foolish Tortoise (The World of Eric Carle), by Richard Buckley PDF

The Foolish Tortoise (The World of Eric Carle), by Richard Buckley PDF
The Foolish Tortoise (The World of Eric Carle), by Richard Buckley PDF

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Rand McNally Buffalo, Erie & Niagara Streetfinder (Streetfinder Atlas)

Product details

Series: Streetfinder Atlas

Paperback: 128 pages

Publisher: Rand Mcnally (July 1997)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0528968998

ISBN-13: 978-0528968990

Product Dimensions:

0.2 x 8.2 x 10.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#18,006,459 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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Ebook Free Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer

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Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer

Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer

Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer

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Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer

From Publishers Weekly

Starred Review. The latest from novelist Foer is a surprising but characteristically brilliant memoir-investigation, boasting an exhaustively-argued account of one man-child's decade-long struggle with vegetarianism. On the eve of becoming a father, Foer takes all the arguments for and against vegetarianism a neurotic step beyond and, to decide how to feed his coming baby, investigates everything from the intelligence level of our most popular meat providers-cattle, pigs, and poultry-to the specious self-justifications (his own included) for eating some meat products and not others. Foer offers a lighthearted counterpoint to his investigation in doting portraits of his loving grandmother, and her meat-and-potatoes comfort food, leaving him to wrestle with the comparative weight of food's socio-cultural significance and its economic-moral-political meaning. Without pulling any punches-factory farming is given the full expose treatment-Foer combines an array of facts, astutely-written anecdotes, and his furious, inward-spinning energy to make a personal, highly entertaining take on an increasingly visible (and book-selling) moral question; call it, perhaps, An Omnivore's Dilemma.

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From Booklist

*Starred Review* If this book were packaged like a loaf of bread, its Nutrition Facts box would list high percentages of graphic descriptions of factory farm methods of animal breeding, mass confinement, and assembly-line slaughter as well as the brutality and waste of high-tech fishing methods; fresh studies of animal (fish included) intelligence and their capacity for suffering; and undiluted facts about industrial animal agriculture’s major role in global warming. Sensitive to the centrality of food in culture and family life, Foer, author of the novels Everything Is Illuminated (2002) and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005), frames his first nonfiction book within the story of his Holocaust survivor grandmother’s complex relationship with food and his response to fatherhood. He presents assiduously assembled facts (supported by70 pages of end notes) about the miserable lives and deaths of industrialized chickens, pigs, fish, and cattle and about agricultural pollution and how factory farming engenders species-leaping flu pandemics. He also asks philosophical questions, such as why we eat such smart and affectionate animals as pigs but not dogs. Foer brings extraordinary artistry, clarity, valor, and compassion to this staggering investigation into the ethics, horrors, and dangers of factory farming. An indelible book that should reach a diverse audience and deepen the conversation about how best to live on a rapidly changing planet. --Donna Seaman

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Hardcover: 352 pages

Publisher: Little, Brown and Company; 1st edition (November 2, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0316069906

ISBN-13: 978-0316069908

Product Dimensions:

6.2 x 1.2 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

809 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#244,537 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I bought this book for two reasons: because Foer's two novels are amongst my favorite works of literature and because I could relate to Foer's personal story about becoming vegetarian.Like Foer, I've been an on-again-off-again vegetarian for the last twenty years of my life, but have spent the last two years eating eggs and poultry. More recently, I have been contemplating giving up meat again, and bought this book to learn more about the food industry and the treatment of animals. I have always considered myself to be fairly up-to-date in my knowledge of these two areas, but I learned many unsettling facts from this book about how animals --both land and sea -- are treated in their journeys to our plates.Another reviewer mentioned that this book is a page turner, and I definitely agree. As much as I liked it, I had to really work and concentrate to get through Michael Pollan's _The Omnivore's Dilemma_, but with this book I actually stayed up late several nights in a row reading since I couldn't put it down.Foer's writing style is everything I hoped it would be: witty and wry, satirical and smart -- and yet never preachy in tone. The stories he tells about food and his family (especially about his grandmother) added another layer of complexity to his discussion of this topic. I especially enjoyed both the literary allusions (to texts such as Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal," Raymond Carver's short story "A Small, Good Thing," Shakespeare's _Hamlet_, etc.) and the philosophical references (Benjamin, Derrida, etc.) that were sprinkled throughout the text. (This is such a welcome change from books like _Skinny Bitch_ that assume such a condescending tone.)Foer also provides the reader with a comprehensive notes section in the back of the book, and, as he states in his introduction, hired two fact checkers to verify his information.Lest you worry that the book is a dreary read, I can assure you that it is far from it. I laughed out loud throughout my reading of this book (mostly in the first third), and yet my laughter was also tempered by the much more serious sections wherein Foer describes how animals are treated on factory farms and out on the open seas (what he terms "aquaculture.")Another reviewer mentioned that Foer doesn't discuss the milk industry too much, and I agree, and so I plan on reading more about that topic on my own. Otherwise, Foer covers more topics than I thought he would.Overall, a powerful book that is definitely worth reading!

This book is a must for anyone curious about the meat/dairy industry and all the things that go on in these industries that they try to keep under wraps.Jonathan Safran Foer does a wonderful job of remaining objective throughout the book; he doesn’t try to persuade anyone to do anything, but rather simply shares the facts he finds out.I was required to read this book for a class I took in college, but I’m glad I read it – I’m a vegetarian and this book was part of the reason why I chose to become one.Even if you’re convinced you’ll never give up meat or dairy, this book is still an important read to shed light on the goings-on of the meat and dairy industries. I would highly recommend it.

I’ve owned “Eating Animals” by Jonathan Safran Foer for years, but it’s remained on my shelf, staring down on me with judgement like Big Brother’s mustached poster. The fear was I’d never be able to eat meat again once I read it, and the fear may be justified—I haven’t had meat since starting it. The book is not a vegetarian diatribe against carnivores, and I have no problem with humans eating animals. The idea of a cow putzing around a pasture for a few years and dying instantly from a bolt to the brain never thrilled me, but it seemed no crueler than the deaths nature delivers. Only problem is, that’s fiction. I guess I was naive, but I didn’t realize 99% of all meat is now from factory farms, which are so disgusting they don’t even let journalists inside. Maybe part of getting older is realizing that it’s impossible to live a life without causing others to suffer.

Eating Animals doesn't convince readers to not eat meat, dairy, or fish, but is framed around three ideas: that our farming practices have become increasingly unethical, harmful to our environment, and dangerous to our bodies. His empathetic ways of showing these unapologetic truths, along with his witty sense of humor, lets even the most close-minded people enjoy this book. There are intense and grotesque descriptions of turkey, beef, egg, pork, and fish farming, but they're important. We see from this book the main point: factory farms have taken over our food industry and are awful in numerous ways to humans and animals. With Foer's vivid descriptions, enjoyable narrations, and humor, I recommended this book to meat-eaters and vegetarians alike. It's not preachy, but makes a controversial topic that many of us turn our heads to something so impactful. He includes letters from factory farmers and descriptions of his own three year investigation, and we are learning right along with him in an entertaining and capturing way.

Caution to the faint-hearted: this book is graphic because it is honest and real. If you prefer to remain ignorant (sarcasm), you may want to avoid it. Besides airing what takes place behind your ground beef, the author does a great job at remaining as unbiased as possible. Offering a lot of accounts from different individuals who work and live in the middle of factory farming, ranging from executives to farmers. I felt so passionate about family owned and operated farm mentioned in the reading, I actually reached out to thank them. This book really pulls at your heart strings with hard to stomach facts. In my opinion, it's disturbing that the majority of people are completely unaware of the contents of this book.

This definitely pushed me over to the vegan side of the fence, after being on the fence for so long. Foer doesn't argue against eating meat entirely, he argues against eating "farmed" meat. Even if you support eating meat, this is a terrific book, as you should know the conditions under which the creatures whose flesh you consume live.

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Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer PDF
Eating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer PDF

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Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult Standard Edition: 10-day Enhanced Online Access + Print (The 5-Minute Consult Series)

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Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult Standard Edition: 10-day Enhanced Online Access + Print (The 5-Minute Consult Series)

Product details

Series: The 5-Minute Consult Series

Hardcover: 1328 pages

Publisher: LWW; Fifth, Standard edition (October 7, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1451190670

ISBN-13: 978-1451190670

Product Dimensions:

8.4 x 1.9 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.2 out of 5 stars

23 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#540,663 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I love reading this book, makes me feel smarter. Did you know that hiccups could be caused by a foreign object in the ear? I did not either.Jokes aside, its is an amazing book. It has everything you need to know to diagnose and treat patients. It minimized useless information, it is not verbose and the layout is clutter free. I absolutely love this book. Thank you.

Superb, easy to use reference ..... as long as you have a clue what you're looking at you can confirm your diagnosis, order tests and treatments all on two pages - I love it. It is too big to carry around however and textbooks often do not work too well on kindle, as long as you realize it is a desk-sized reference you will like it.

Excellent book for medical students and residents in Emergency Medicine. For someone who multitasks like in EM, the 2-page summaries of over 600 conditions are a blessing. This is a great reference for those couple of minutes you get between sitting down after you see a patient and your attending finishing up what s/he is doing before asking to hear your presentation. It's also good for reviewing conditions after cases, as well as Step 2/3 prep alongside UWorld. Its main weakness is its lack of pictures or diagrams.

In general a great book. However, the Kindle version on your phone is essentially worthless. The spacing is bad, which makes it cumbersome. More importantly, the search engine is terrible. It very slowly pulls up all references to what you are looking for. Enter "ITP" and you get a hundred references, almost all of which are in some random differential diagnosis. Finding the actual ITP entry is very difficult. Obviously this makes it useless when trying to use on the go in an ED.

Great consult for a quick reference. I use this in additional to the Medicine consult, just to help get me started with tests to order, differentials, etc.

Must have for NP’s. A staple in my opinion

This was a purchased as a gift

ouitstanding all you can ask for

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